Monday, June 30, 2008

Be Strong in the Lord

These are the words of the Apostle Paul to the church at Ephesus. "Be strong in the Lord, and the power of His might." I was reading a different translation this morning (The Recovery Edition) and it says, "Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength." We need to be empowered in the Lord. It is His strength that we need. I am reading a book titled, "Everyone is normal Until you get to know them" and it is talking about community. One section speaks about how God the Father and God the Son and God the Spirit are all one. Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." Community! We have been invited to take part in community with God through His Son Christ. A part of this relationship is learning to be empowered in the Lord. Learning to walk in His power and His anointing.

When you stop and think about it, it is really exciting. The God of the universe desires fellowship with you and me so that we can walk and live in His power. This is power to be who He has designed us to be. This is power to "stand against the wiles of the devil." This is power to fight the spiritual battles of living in a fallen world.

My prayer today is, "Lord, I want to be empowered in the Lord." "I want to learn to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might." May you take every step with a greater consciousness, a greater awareness, of the empowering grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask God to help you learn to be "strong in the Lord!"

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Friday, June 27, 2008

Psalm 3

Wednesday Night I ministered from Psalm 3. This Psalm is believed to have been composed when David was going through the crises of him leaving Jerusalem. We all have crises in our lives. Life is filled with such times. As you read Psalm 3 you are allowed to see as David struggles with the situation at hand and in the midst of it all he turns to the Lord.

Verses 5 and 6 are powerful! "I lay down and slept, I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me. 6 I am not afraid of ten thousand enemies who surround me on every side" (nlt).

How was David able to do this, especially considering the crises he was going through? The answer is found in the fact that he knew the Lord was watching over Him. This knowledge gave David the confidence he needed going through this tough time in his life. Knowledge is power, and especially Divine Revelation. What you notice in this Psalm is, this confidence that David exhibited flowed out of the reality of the knowledge of knowing "the Lord is watching over me."

My prayer for you and myself today is, Lord fill us, your people, with this knowledge, the revelation of knowing you are watching over us; and, may it not be simply be a book knowledge. May we know it deep in our spirit so that we may live with such confidence. Great things are ahead of those who live with such confidence and purpose.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Thursday, June 26, 2008


This is often a place which alludes many people. That is, reaching a place where they are satisfied. Reaching a place of contentment. Reaching a place where a person is okay with where they are. We live in a culture that is always striving for more, as if it is chasing the wind. We are bombarded with images on the T.V. and billboards that always advertise things we don't have and society says we need to have.

Proverbs 6:9 says, (nlt) "Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; it is like chasing the wind."

"Enjoy what you do have" is wonderful advice. Take the time to smell the roses. Take the time and realize your garden is green and enjoy what God has given to you; for, He has blessed you tremendously. Notice the next little piece of advice, "rather than desiring what you don't have." It sounds like wasted time doesn't it, but how many of us have wasted the precious time we do have "desiring what we don't have." Time is short! Jesus is coming again for His bride or our lives here are short lived, so enjoy what God has given to you today. Stop pining about what you don't have and start enjoying what you do have.

Reach that place in Him, Jesus, where you can be satisfied with your lot in life. Pursue Him with all of your heart and He will fill you with a satisfied life. My prayer today is, "Lord, help me to stop, smell the roses and enjoy the blessings you have given to me and my family."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

God is Faithful

God is always there! His faithfulness is a part of who He is. It is a part of His Nature! Faithfulness! You see His faithfulness all around you. He causes the sun to rise in the east and set in the west every day. The moon comes and goes in its season. The seasons of the year come around like clock work. The stars shine every night. All of these things speak to us of the faithfulness of God.

Be encouraged today, just as sure as the sun arose in the east, just as sure as the stars will shine in the night sky, so our God is there for you. He knows exactly what you need! He knows exactly how you feel. He is watching over you with His unfailing goodness. Isn't God wonderful? Yes, He is ... begin to orientate your thoughts on Him. Begin to look to Him ... His Word ... His hand in all of creation. Allow the thought of His faithfulness to cause you to feel the security of His goodness and love. All is well because God is faithful.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Growing in Wisdom

Psalm 90:12 declares: "Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom." Time is something we all have the same of. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and 7 days every week. No one ever gets 26 hours in a day. Sometimes it would be nice but we can't have, and probably don't need it either. The difference then must lie in what one does with the same 24 hours in a day.

The prayer the Psalmist prays is a very practical prayer, "Lord, teach us to make the most of our time ..." Lord, help us make every minute count! Lord, help us to be careful how we spend our time!

Have you ever simply stopped and taken an evaluation of how you spend your time? I think we would be amazed at how much time we allow to slip away. Now, notice the reason the Psalmist gives for his prayer, "so that we may grow in wisdom." Wisdom! So often we think of wisdom as only applying to others or people who have lived a long time. However, wisdom is something we should all seek. If Knowledge is power then wisdom is the ability to apply the knowledge you do have. Ask God to help you make the most of your time and give yourself to the pursuit of wisdom. Not just any wisdom, but Godly wisdom.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jesus Speaks to the Heart of the Disciples

Luke 18:1 in the New Living Translation says, "One day Jesus told His disciples a story to illustrate their need for constant prayer and to show them that they must never give up." Jesus knew what was ahead for the disciples. Jesus understood the path before them was going to be very difficult; and, He was preparing them for the time when He would leave but would send them the Comfortor.

Jesus understood the importance of the disciples knowing how to persist in prayer. Isn't that what prayer is sometimes? Persistence! Pushing your way through what seems to be silence. The illustration that Jesus used was not only to demonstrate to them the importance of constant prayer, but to "show them that they must never give up."

We are prone to quitting, especially when it comes to the spiritual disciplines. Maybe, Jesus understood our nature better then we ourselves do? Another verse says, the "spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."

What I hear in the words of Jesus is, "the way may become difficult, you may pray and feel like your prayers are not being heard, you may feel like you are between a rock and a hard place." And He continues to say, "but keep on praying, keep on believing, and never give up.!"

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I have just finished reading a book by Philip Yancey titled, "PRAYER: Does It Really Make Any Difference?" and it was a very interesting read. I only underlined one sentence in the whole book, which is very unusual for me. I usually mark books up that I read. The part I underlined said, "Prayer means keeping company with God who is already present" (p. 315).

I like that! Prayer is keeping company with God. When I think of keeping company I think of sitting in the living room or around the dinner table and just enjoying the conversation at hand. I think of enjoying the company of old friends. Getting caught up on what has been happening and telling stories of what is going on now. I think of being comfortable enough to simply talk about issues without the fear of being judged or cast aside.

Isn't it great to know we do not have to fear being judged by God or cast aside by Him because we have already been judged in His Son Jesus. The result of that judgment was, "you have been declared righteous" (Romans 5:1) because of your faith in Jesus' atoning work.

Now you can keep company with God! We can talk to Him about everyday issues. We can tell Him how we are feeling and listen to Him respond to us. My desire today is, "Lord, help me realize that you are always present and all I have to do is learn to keep company with you, and this is what you want from me."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Friday, June 20, 2008

The River

Have you ever been canoeing or tubing down a river? I remember as a kid doing those things, and oh how much fun it was, or at least that is the memory anyways. A river represents an abundant supply. It represents volumes of water. Water is very important to our survival as human beings. A matter of fact, people in the know tell us that a person can only survive without water for about 3 or 4 days. We need water to survive!

A river represents more than enough .... a river represents abundance. However they are subject to drying up and water sources disappearing. That which once was a sign of abundance suddenly disappears.

In Psalms 65 David is speaking of the goodness of God. He is talking about how God waters the earth and cares for His creation. I like how the New Living Translation reads in verse 9, " ... the rivers of God will not run dry." Applying this spiritually is a great source of comfort. The rivers of God will never run dry!

No matter what we are experiencing, the rivers of God will not run dry. God is our never ending source. He is more than enough. So go forth today encouraged, knowing that His supply is always enough. A matter of fact, Paul said it this way: "But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Webster defines the word "purpose" as something set up as an object or end to be attained. Have you ever met someone who seemed to live with purpose? That individual seems to have an extra drive. They seem to walk with an extra step. They are able to persevere through difficult situations. Purpose is a common ingredient of successful leaders.

1 Corinthians 9:26 (nlt) says, "So I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step ..." Paul recognized the importance of living with purpose. In this analogy of an athlete who is in a race, Paul says he runs with purpose in every step. The object or the end to be attained is the prize, crossing the finish line successfully. For believers, the object is eternal life. This is our purpose! This is the end to be attained.

Where is your purpose? This is a sobering question. My prayer today is, "Lord, help me to keep the main thing the main thing. Lord, help me to keep this purpose in the forefront of my life." I think many of us wear numerous hats and we perform different roles, so there may be different purpose's that direct our life. In example, I am a father, my purpose is to be the best dad I can be to my children. However, I am a husband and friend so my purpose is to be a great husband and friend to my wife. So many may wear different hats in society, but may we remember the main purpose we all have as Christians. This purpose is eternal life, crossing the finish line successfully.

As you go about your day, ask the Lord to show you how you can keep the "main thing the main thing!" Ask the Lord to help you take "every step with purpose."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Special Days

Today is my baby girls birthday. Charis is 10 years old today. It is hard to believe my baby is 10. Special Days! Aren't they great? Charis spent the day with her mother as they were looking for her a cell phone. Charis thinks she has waited long enough to get one and since everyone else in the family has one she says it is her time. Thank the Lord for "family plans."

Charis, her name is actually the English spelling of the Greek word KARIS. The greek word means "grace." Aren't you glad for God's grace? Grace is God giving you what you do not deserve. The Word declares that it is "by grace" that we are saved and "not of works lest any man should boast." A am grateful for God's saving grace and I am grateful for God's keeping grace.

It is because of God's grace that we are not consumed. It is because of God's grace that He allows us to come "boldly before His throne." I am grateful for God's amazing grace ... "how sweet the sound!"

Everyday I look at my little girl and I am reminded of God's grace and blessings to me. Thank you Lord for your favor, your love, your acceptance, and your grace.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Monday, June 16, 2008

A Pattern

I have never sewn anything in my life, but my wife has. Actually, Christy is pretty good at using a sewing machine. What I learned from watching her is, you need a pattern to use. The pattern shows what can take place, what can happen if you follow the rules and the pattern.

The Apostle Paul said in his letter to Timothy in his first epistle (1:15-16), "Faithful is the word and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am foremost. But because of this I was shown mercy, that in me, the foremost, Jesus Christ might display all His longsuffering for a pattern to those who are to believe on Him unto eternal life. (Recovery Version)" Paul readily admits that he is the "chiefest among sinners", that is, foremost. I believe what Paul is trying to say is, "I am the last one you would have ever dreamed the Lord word have chosen and saved. However, He has saved me and called me and my life demonstrates the longsuffering of God. In actuality, my life is a pattern. It is a pattern of what God can do if you will only surrender to Him."

What encouraging words for all of us! How many have thought that they were not worthy of being redeemed? How many have thought their sin was too great and their past too horrible? I think the moral of the story of Paul's life is, if God will choose one who once spoke against Him and sought to harm those who followed Christ ... if God would save one who participated in the murder of Stephen, or at least consented to it, then you and I are in good company. God will do the same for us. Encourage yourself in the Lord, oh saint of God, no matter how horrid your past, if you turn to the Lord, He will do something great in your life. You have a pattern to look at and it is the Apostle himself. Isn't God wonderful?

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Father

Growing up in a pastor's home was not always the easiest. However, my father seemed to recognize this and did his best to shield us from the constant onlookers and should I say "glass watchers." The tendency is to look at the pastor's home and see or suppose it is some perfect place, however, our home was just like any other home. We argued and fuss and then dad would make us make up. Mom and dad would give us chores to do and we would fuss about not having time and that we needed to hurry and go outside and play because things outside seemed a little more important. One thing our house was filled with was love and discipline. My father led the way in both categories!

My dad was always someone to look up to. He was always there for his family. He often arose early in the morning to go off into the day. He was always leading the way spiritually in our house. We would be watching T.V. and then dad would say, "It is time to turn the t.v. off and let us have devotions." We would fuss but he would always win. I use to get upset, but now I am grateful for those times.

I can remember, whenever my father would get a phone call from a church member or someone who needed help he would always respond and try to help them in their need. My father led the way in compassion and he passed that same heart down to us, his children. My father taught us to love. To love one another and most of all, to love the Lord. My dad was and is the best! He taught me how to be a good father and it is his imitation of Jesus that I so long to follow and pursue in my life. If I could be just half the man that he is then I will be a good man. In honor of my father!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Rich, but not with money. Rich in the abundance of love. Yesterday, the news world was shocked by the sudden death of Tim Russert. As I watched the coverage of his death, one after another spoke of the Man, Tim Russert. They spoke more about his strong faith and his love for his family, especially his wife, son Luke and his father. Yes, he was a great interviewer and broadcaster, but what mattered most in the end was the fact he was a good father, a husband, a son and a man of faith.

It made me think, "what will people say when I am dead?" I remember an exercise we had to do in one of my classes for my Masters in Counseling degree. The exercise was to write your own obituary. At first, I thought this was a morbid idea, but it actually caused me to put some things in perspective. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, as we are reminded by the sudden death of Tim Russert, however, all of us are giving the same 24 hours in a day.

Reading today I came across Proverbs 10:22 it says, "The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich ..." As we get ready to celebrate Father's Day I realize that God has blessed me with three wonderful children and a beautiful wife who loves me unconditionally. I also stop to think of my father, Jack Howell, who has always been there and has been a spiritual giant in my life. I can remember as a kid rushing into my parents room, should I say barging into my parents room, only to find my dad on his knees beside his bed praying.

Tonight, I am reminded, I am rich because of the blessings of the Lord.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Presence

Have you ever felt a heaviness and just could not shake it? Sure! We all have at one point or another. I am reminded today of what takes that heaviness away. It is the presence of God. The presence of God that comes to you when you read the Word of God. The Word that is alive and powerful.

Like so many times before, when we feel overwhelmed or we feel discouraged or we are simply having one of those days, you pick up the bible and you turn to a passage, any passage, and God speaks to you. Suddenly, the presence of God fills your heart and you know, all is well.

So, as the Psalmist declared, "lift up your head" oh saint of God. Strengthen thyself in the Lord! Allow the presence of God to fill that emptiness. Allow the presence of God to saturate you and alleviate all your worries, fears and anxieties.

What can you do? Find a friend who will be there for you. Open the Word of God and invite the presence of God into your situation. Knowing this, Jesus was "touched with the feelings of your infirmities, yet without sin." Jesus knows and cares! What great news. Allow the presence of God fill you, your mind and thoughts, and your very being.

This is today,

Pastor Gary