Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Word

The Word of God is always a source of strength. If you need guidance, comfort, direction, hope, encouragement (and the list goes on and on), whatever your need or circumstance is, the Word of God is your place to go.

A great verse for today is found in 2 Chronicles 16:9 (NIV) "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." May you find strength and encouragement in this verse today. The following is a quote I read recently, I actually do not know the author but may you find encouragement in this thought today:

HIS STRENGTH IS PERFECT. God knows how we are doing at all times. He knows when we are strong and when our strength begins to falter. God created a special niche for us to fill. He wants us to go for the long haul and fulfill our mission. He needs us to serve right where He placed us. Therefore, He will give us the strength we need to make it through. With His strength, we can go all the way to the end and complete His goal.

Allow the truth of this to sink deep into you spirit. May you feel the perfect strength of God with you today. Now go out and accomplish His great design for your life!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Friday, July 25, 2008

It's A Small Miracle

I am trying to learn how to "de-stress" and this is not as simple as it sounds. The teachings of Jesus talk a lot about "de-stressing" by using words like, "worry not," "take my yoke," "learn of me," "have faith in God," "listen," etc. However, the other day the Holy Spirit showed me something in my life that would help me "de-stress." I was pondering the idea of learning to live more stress free and thinking of what the Word had to say and also some other good books I have read lately and then suddenly the Holy Spirit showed me something about myself.

He showed me, that I have always been in a hurry about things. I want things done quick. I want to be the first one to finish the project. I can remember as a kid in elementary school, running the mile in P.E., I had to be first. Then the Holy Spirit turned my attention to the way I drive my vehicle. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me about my driving. He showed me I always have to be in a hurry in my driving, almost never going the speed limit, but driving on grace! I believe the Holy Spirit told me that if I am going to learn to "de-stress" then I have to learn to slow down in my driving. Now this may sound simple to you or even silly, and it even may be; however, for me it may actually be something profound.

The small miracle is, "I did it for a whole 320 mile trip." I did not speed, even though other cars were zipping past me (I felt tempted to chase them down, but I did not). It was not so much how quick I could get there, it was "how could I learn to prioritize my life and enjoy the journey" as I traveled. What I found out is, it really did not bother me, and I actually felt more relaxed, and, it only took me about 15 or 20 minutes longer.

Today, I found myself not getting frustrated in the traffic, not feeling rushed, and thinking, "it is okay not to be the lead car in the pack." Now I am looking for the "big miracle" and that is, for this not to be the rule just for yesterday, but for everyday.

Ask the Lord to show you what simple things can you do to "de-stress" your life?

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, July 19, 2008

At Home

In my devotional time I was reading in the book of Ephesians, and what a powerful book it is. I was reading out of a new bible I received in the mail a few weeks ago. The translation is called "Recovery Version." I don't know a whole lot about it, however, I like how it translates the first part of chapter 3 verse 17. It says, "That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith ..." What a great thought! Christ at home in my heart.

When I think of being at home I think of being comfortable, being at ease. I think of rest. The thought hit me, "Is Jesus at home in my heart?" Then I thought, "How can I make Him at Home in my life, even to a greater degree then He is now?"

It takes me inviting Him to be at home. When I think of this, I think of Lordship. Lord of everything, that is, master, the one who is in control. Lord, my prayer is, I want you to be at home in me. I don't simply want it to be some spiritual quest. I desire it to be a reality. To feel your presence. To know your will. To feel your heartbeat. This is the journey I seek!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Love Believes

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Church gives a wonderful description of love. We know this chapter as the "love chapter." It is I Corinthians 13. Paul says, "without love", our actions are simply like clanging cymbals. In other words, just a bunch of noise. When I read this description of love it gives me a goal to reach towards. The love I am to show others. One particular description of love is, "it believes all things."

What does Paul mean when he says, "love believes all things"? It means that this type of love believes the best and does not assume the worse. Wow! It believes the best! In other words, it does not jump to a negative conclusion automatically. It gives the other person the benefit of the doubt. How contrary is this God-type love to the love that is so often demonstrated by others? How do I find myself not loving with a love that "believes all things"? This is tuff stuff, however, it is a goal worth striving for and mastering.

I want to give you a personal challenge to take time today to ask the Holy Spirit to cultivate a love in you that chooses to believe the best in people instead of assuming the worse. Ask God to forgive you when you have jumped to conclusions that were not too accurate. My prayer is "Lord, I want to love others like you ask me to. I want a love that "believes all things," that is, that believes the best and refuses to jump to conclusions. Father, thank you for loving me this way. Thank you for seeing what I can become in Christ. Now help me to see others, not for what they are right now, but for whom they can become in your Son, Jesus. Lord, I thank you because your Holy Spirit will enable me to love the way you want me to love others." As we do this, others will see "our good deeds and glorify our Father who is in heaven."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I just finished reading a book titled, "Psycho-Cybernetics." It sounds crazy and way out there doesn't it? However, it is not. Yes, it is a book about Psychology and more specifically how our thoughts affect everything we do. There were a lot of principles in the book that actually have a biblical foundation. The Word of God has a lot to say about our thought life.

The Word is emphatic about calling us, believers in Jesus Christ, "conquerors", actually it says, we are "more than conquerors." It is a stated fact! You, yes you (the one reading this blog), are more than a conqueror. However, we must be convinced of this in our mind, in our thought life, before we will ever see it actualized in our life.

The book had a lot to say about the auto mechanism of our sub conscious. This can be programed as a success mechanism or a failure mechanism. For many it is filled with negative thoughts about life, ourselves, and others; therefore, many are filled with thoughts of "I can't" or "there is no way" or "that is impossible." However, if we can make our auto mechanism in our sub conscious become a "success mechanism" (negative thoughts are replaced with positive thoughts) then we can begin to see ourselves doing great things; suddenly the impossible becomes possible. We begin to see our potential instead of road blocks.

The Good News is, as believers we can do this because we have the power of the Holy Spirit living in our lives. We have the Word of God to tell us who we are and how we should think. "Think on these things" said the Apostle Paul.

May our prayer today be, "Lord, help me to see the potential, the possibilities, the great adventure you have laid out before me. Lord, help me not to define myself by my past disappointments or failure. Help me to see who I am in you today." Go out and conquer the world!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I just finished reading a book titled: "Everybody's Normal Until You Get to Know Them" by Ortberg. I liked the title because it is so true of all of us. We all have our little hang ups but the enemy is so good at making us feel like we are the only one's with such issue's. Now understand, this is not to suggest that we are simply to accept our short comings and never work on them. No, not in deed, we are to face them and, by the grace of God and the blood of His Son, deal with those "flaws" in our character. However, do not allow the enemy to make you feel isolated by making you feel like, everyone else must be normal except me.

The premise of the book is "community," living in community with others. We definitely need each other and all of us need a few who are closer than others to help us along the way. God has brought just the right people into your path. He has brought them to you for your success and not failure. They may be a spouse, a brother or sister, a mentor, a friend. We all have many acquaintances, and these are all good people, but we all need one or two who are closer then any another, a true friend, one we can tell all of our stuff too and not worry about them judging us or sharing with others. Instead of judging, they will pray with us and together, with you, grow, mend, and mature in Christ.

The Apostle Paul prayed, "that I might know Him, and the power of His resurrection ..." What a noble prayer! May you and I set our sights on such a lofty goal, to "know Him, to Know His resurrection power."

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Goodness of God

Not to overdo the phrase that people have been saying for years now but it is so true, "God is good all the time and all the time God is good." To be surrounded by great family and wonderful friends makes life good. God's faithfulness is evident in everyday life. Sure, there are challenges; and yes, there are still crises but to stop and to take a deep breath gives a wonderful perspective.

Be sure to stop to smell the roses and give God thanks.

This is today,

Pastor Gary