Saturday, March 22, 2008


The last several days we have been experiencing March winds. Our days have been very windy! But today there is an erie stillness in the air. A stillness that grabs your attention. As I sit on our back porch, you can see as the branches of the trees stand still. There is a quietness about the neighborhood.

This reminds me of the importance of remaining still in the presence of God. A matter of fact, the Psalmist states the words of our Heavenly Father, "Be still and know that I am God." Today, it seems as if the trees are being still before God. My thought is, Lord, help me to learn to be still in your presence. Help me to know how to be still and to know you are God!

Life is so hurried. We are so busy with doing things. We are so caught up in our agendas, calenders, and plans that we often fail to simply be still. May we practice the discipline of being still before God. Yes, this is a discipline! The discipline of being still, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. May we empty ourselves of all the distractions so that we can be filled with all of God. Father, fill us this day with yourself.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just Look Up

Have you ever awakened real early in the morning, before the sun comes up and went outside and just listened? Have you ever just listened to the breeze blowing, the different animals chirping? Have you ever simply sat back and looked up in the early morning sky and watch the clouds as they streak across the sky? As you look up you see the stars, the heavenly host, each one created by our Lord Jesus Christ. You cannot help but be filled with wonder and awe for God's greatness. You cannot help but feel His presence. And then to think, that He knows you. He sees you! He understands you!

David exclaimed in Psalm 139 that such a knowledge is "too inaccessible to me." It simply blows my mind. It is beyond my comprehension; but, nevertheless, it is still true!

Sometimes we feel so insignificant. Sometimes we feel so small, but the good news is this, our feelings do not change the fact that He still cares. He still understands. He still knows you. Just because we cannot get our finite minds around this truth does not change the truth. God sees you.

Walk today in the blessings of knowing God is watching you. He is watching with love and with a desire to work in your life. When you get tired, frustrated, or even feeling small, take a moment and look up. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds then release it, then repeat it. Take a moment to slow down and take in all that is around you. You will see God in the midst of it all. Friend, as you look up you will see that He is looking down.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Friday, March 7, 2008

Giving All Of You

I Thessialonians 2:8 NLT Paul says, "We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good news but our own lives, too." Wow! It is amazing the love the Apostle demonstrates for the believers in Thessalonica. It was a love that compelled him to give his whole life to. Paul was willing to lay it all down. It was a love that compelled him to go the extra mile. To give everything? Yes, this is what the Father did for us. He gave everything so that we might have eternal life.

The good news is, if He gave His Son will He not also freely give us all things for life and godliness? He will sustain in our hour of giving all. He will strengthen us to bear up under any trial. He will be our reward!

Lord, help me to give everything to you. Help me to hold loosely to the things I need to hold loosely too; and, then, help me to hold your principles tight to my heart. Lord, whatever we give up today will be small in comparison to what you have already given to us.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Summer is Near

Matthew 24:32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near." The other day I was pulling out of the parking lot of a local business and I noticed the Crape Murtle trees that had been cut back was starting to bud. I thought of two things. First, I thought I need to cut my crape murtles back; and second, it won't be long and summer will be hear.

Jesus used this parable in relation to the Coming of the Son of Man. When you see these signs then you will know that His coming is close, it is at hand. Just like the crape murtle beginning to bloom reminded me of something I needed to do, may the sings of His coming remind us, we must not put off till tomorrow what needs to be done today. We too may have some pruning to do. We too may have some choices to make. We may need to make some tough choices and it may hurt for a moment, but the reward will be much sweeter in the end.

Summer is near. It is getting closer. Oh, I am not speaking about the season of the year. No, I am speaking about the eternal summer of being with the King of king and Lord of lords. Make ready what needs to be made ready now, do not delay!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Own Ideas

In John 7 Jesus is in Jerusalem for the "festival of Shelters." The religious leaders were looking for Him, not because they were interested in what He was saying as much as they were interested in entrapping Him because they were already plotting His death. The buzz was on! People were asking questions about Jesus. Some were saying He was a mighty man of God. Others were accusing Him of being a fraud. Still for others, the jury was still out.

When Jesus first arrived in the city He did so secretly, so as no one would know He was there. Then about midway through the feast Jesus went to the temple and He began to teach (vs. 12). The religious leaders were amazed at His knowledge and said among themselves, "How does He know so much when He has not studied everything we've studied? (v. 15) Then in verse 16 Jesus said something profound. Jesus said, "I am not teaching my own ideas, but those of God who sent me."

So many today teach their own ideas. So many teach the ideas that originate with man. Jesus said, 'these are the ideas of God.' No wonder His Words pierced like a arrow. No wonder His Words were as precise as a knife in the hand of trained surgeon. No wonder His Words speak directly to our need. These Words are the Words of God Himself. The creator, the maker of all things.

The ideas of men, fall on deaf ears. The ideas of men lead to conflict and the lack of resolution. The Words of God lead to healing and wholeness.

Lord, help us to seek your Words, not the ideas of men. Lord, help us seek your truth, not the substitute of man's way.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Monday, March 3, 2008

What Will You Do For Us

"What will you do for us?" This was the question the crowds asked Jesus the day after He fed the five thousand. This question represents the heart of so many people today. They are only looking to Jesus for what He will do. It is like they are waiting in line to see another trick. To pay for another miracle. They are looking for another sign.

Yes, Jesus does so much for us, and He will continue to do mighty things in our lives. However, should not our posture be, at least some of the time, "Lord, what is it I can do for you?" Should we not ask, "Lord, is there an area I can sacrifice more? Is there a place in my life I can die more?"

The crowd was looking for another sign. Some, no doubt, was there because they thought they might get another free meal. Jesus told the crowds what they should do and that was to "believe in the one God has sent." However, they wanted to ask, "what will you do for us?"

May we humble ourselves and say, "Lord, I do believe, what can I do for you?" May we seek Him and not simply His hand. May we desire to experience His presence and not simply what He can do for us. May our prayer today be: "Lord, what can I do for you?"

This is today,

Pastor Gary

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Have you ever longed for more of God? Have you ever simply stopped and evaluated yourself? Your spirituality? Your relationship with God? Just where you stand? And in so doing, find yourself dissatisfied with yourself, your personal progress? Then from deep within, you cry for more or God. You cry not for His judgment, but you cry for His mercy. Not His scolding but His love. Not His permissiveness but His love, His power, His anointing. Have you ever simply cried, "Lord, I need less of me and more of you?" And in so doing, you found yourself broken before God?

Brokenness is a place where God dwells. Brokenness is a place where God works. Brokenness is a place where the power of God's presence resides. It is a hard place to be, but a necessary place to live. It is a tough place to reach, but it is a place of renewal, revival, and a place of refreshing. It is a place of recognizing our total need of Him.

God dwells with the "broken and contrite" of heart. God resists the proud but accepts the humble. May we reach this place in Christ Jesus. This place where we "are nothing" and He is "everything." This place where our insufficiency is suddenly swallowed up in His sufficiency.

Remember, it is a journey, not a destination!

This is today,

Pastor Gary