Friday, March 7, 2008

Giving All Of You

I Thessialonians 2:8 NLT Paul says, "We loved you so much that we gave you not only God's Good news but our own lives, too." Wow! It is amazing the love the Apostle demonstrates for the believers in Thessalonica. It was a love that compelled him to give his whole life to. Paul was willing to lay it all down. It was a love that compelled him to go the extra mile. To give everything? Yes, this is what the Father did for us. He gave everything so that we might have eternal life.

The good news is, if He gave His Son will He not also freely give us all things for life and godliness? He will sustain in our hour of giving all. He will strengthen us to bear up under any trial. He will be our reward!

Lord, help me to give everything to you. Help me to hold loosely to the things I need to hold loosely too; and, then, help me to hold your principles tight to my heart. Lord, whatever we give up today will be small in comparison to what you have already given to us.

This is today,

Pastor Gary

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