Friday, April 25, 2008


I am learning to be silent in the presence of the Lord. Sometimes I find myself having a one sided conversation when I enter my personal time with the Lord. He is teaching me to be quiet, silent. Do you know how hard that is for a preacher? Do you know how hard that is for someone who is social?

But in silence I am learning to hear! I am learning to surrender! I am learning it is all about HIM!! I am learning what it means to commune. I am learning as I empty myself of 'me' I then can be filled with HIM. In this process I am learning what it means to be filled with HIM. It means, to be filled with His grace, His strength, His mercy, His love, His compassion, His desires!

I am not there yet. I still find myself trying to 'say a whole lot' and then I remind myself (in actuality God reminds me) to be "silent." It is in the silence that I find Him, or rather, should I say, He finds me!!

This is today,

Pastor Gary

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